The sequence of vibrations that a vibrating object initiates is called sound. Vibration movement is necessary for voice to occur. Vibration is the rapid movement of an object back and forth. The organs that are important in the formation of human voice at first are the larynx (larynx) and the lung; The structure which has the most important role in the production of voice is the vocal cord and it is placed in a horizontal position in our throat in such a way as to form a “V” shape. Sound is produced during the breathing. When we breathe, our voices are turned on and when we breathe, when we are going to make a sound, our voices are turned off and vibrated. The raw sound produced by the vibration of the voices creates the phase of phonation (sound production). The number of vibrations of a voice technician in a second is different in man, woman and baby. This number of vibrations is about 100-150 Hz for men and 200-250 Hz for females. The raw sound is shaped by the throat, the nose and the mouth, and the final tone is formed. Voice disturbances arise during impairments affecting the stages we do.
Vocal cords in normally
Sudden onset of upper respiratory tract infections, incorrect and more forced use of voice, high-dose chemical vapor and exposure to cigarette smoke can be among the causes of acute onset episodes.
Acute laryngitis
Nodules and polyps of vocal cords
– Cysts of voice cords-Laryngeal granulomas
– irritation on the voice coil due to long-term use of cigarettes,
– Acid burns due to gastro-eosophagial reflux
– Causes of allergic and sinusitis chronic irritants to irritate the vocal tract
– Psychological reasons
– Some lung diseases
– Tumors of the throat and surrounding tissues
– Paralysis resulting from the nerves that enable movement of the voice tongs is a cause of chronic voice disorders.
Nodule in vocal cords
Vocal polyps
Carcinoma of Larynx
If the voice affliction lasts more than two weeks and there is pain, coughing blood, swallowing difficulty, shortness of breath, swelling in the forehead, complete loss of sound that lasts for several days or severe change in the stomach and a certain cause Or you should be examined by an ENT specialist.
Problems with sound should ideally be assessed and treated by a professional team dealing with sound-related functions and problems. Such a team includes experts in ENT, voice and conversation pathology, music-singing-diction teachers.
A patient who is referred to a doctor for voice, anesthesia is first performed a complete ENT examination and will attempt to see the patient with an optic device called an endoscope, which is especially held in the mouth or held in the mouth. If necessary, the images obtained during these processes will be recorded on a video tape and stored for later review. These methods are not very difficult for the patient and most of the patients are easy to adjust to the examination. These examinations are sufficient for the diagnosis of most disorders. Rarely, advanced imaging methods such as lung, sinus films and ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MR), stroboscopy may be desirable.
The treatment of voice disorders varies according to the cause of voice disturbances. Most situations that cause voice misalignment improve voice habit and proper voice use habit. Medical treatment may be needed for the treatment of phonophobia-related hoarseness. It is necessary to remove the irritation in cases where irritation occurs in the tract, reflux-reducing measures in reflux patients and medical treatment if necessary. Those with pulmonary disease should consult a psychiatrist if they have psychogenic vocalizations. Apart from these, surgical treatment may be needed for sesamoid nodules, polyps, cysts and tumors.