National Publications
D.NATIonal Publıcatıons (Google scholar, turkısh cıtatıon ındex) :
D1. Kalcıoğlu, M.T., A. Kızılay, İ. Aladağ, E. Karataş, ve O. Özturan, “Pediatric facial fractures”, Kulak Burun Boğaz Klinikleri, 4, 119-12 (2002). (ClınıcAl Research)
D2. Erdem, T., İ. Gürses, E. Karataş, ve A. Kızılay, “Our diagnostic approach to the cervical tuberculous lymphadenitis”, KBB Postası, 13:189-193, (2003). (ClınıcAl Research)
D3. Erdem, T., İ. Gürses, A. Kızılay, E. Karataş, ve G. Türker, “Tuberculous Parotitis”, Kulak Burun Boğaz Klinikleri, 12, 150-154 (2003). (Case Report)
D4. Erdem, T., M.C. Miman, İ. Gürses, A. Kızılay, E. Karataş. ve G. Türker, “Tuberculous laryngitis”, KBB BBC Dergisi, 2, 68-72 (2003). (Case Report)
D5. Gerek, M. ve E. Karataş, “Laryngofaryngeal reflux ve chronic laryngopharyngitis”, Türkiye Klinikleri J. Surg. Med. Sci., 1, 38-40 (2005). (Revıew)
D6. Karataş, E., T. Erdem, İ. Gürses, ve G. Erdem, “Castleman’s disease of the parotid gland: report of a case and review of the literature”, KBB ve BBC Dergisi, 13, 92-95 (2005). (Case Report)
D7. Tutar, E., E. Karataş, Y. Kibar, T. Bağlam, ve C. Durucu, “The relationship between prognostic parameters and stromal eosinophilic infiltration in laryngeal carcinoma”, KBB Forum, 5, 142-145 (2006). (ClınıcAl Research)
D8. Mumbuc, S., C. Durucu, E. Karataş, ve M. Kanlıkama, “Treatment of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma: Our clinical results”, KBB Forum, 5, 146-151 (2006). (ClınıcAl Research)
D9. Karataş, E., A. Kızılay, B. Mızrak, ve O. Özturan, “Synchronous benign and malign tumor of the parotid gland: pleomorphic adenoma and adenoid cystic carcinoma”, Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi J. Med. Sci., 26, 594-596 (2006). (Case Report)
D10. Ceylan, A., E. Karataş, M. Yılmaz, ve K. Uygur, “Non surgical treatments in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome”, KBB Klinikleri Dergisi, 8, 38-44 (2006). (Revıew)
D11. Karataş, E., C. Durucu, S. Mumbuc, ve M. Kanlıkama, “Landau Kleffner syndrome: an epileptic acquired aphasia confused with subjective hearing loss”, KBB Forum, 6, 22-25 (2007). (Case Report)
D12. Mumbuç, S., E. Karataş, C. Durucu, T. Bağlam, C. Çevik, ve M. Kanlıkama, “Long Term Outcomes After Endoscopic Surgery in Sinonasal Disease”, KBB ve BBC Dergisi, 14, 14-20 (2007). (ClınıcAl Research)
D13. Kanlıkama, M. ve E. Karataş, “Arterial Ligation in Epistaxis”, Türkiye Klinikleri J. Surg. Med. Sci., 10, 72-75 (2007). (Revıew)
D14. Karataş, E., S. Mumbuç, C. Durucu, T. Bağlam, M. Kanlıkama, ve M. Çelik, “Revision endoscopic sinüs surgery: Surgical Outcomes”, KBB ve BBC Dergisi, 15, 74-78 (2007). (ClınıcAl Research)
D15. Karataş, E., M. Gerek, ve A. Ceylan, “Otolaryngolgogy ve Laryngopharyngeal Reflux: The relation between them”, KBB Postası, 17, 19-27 (2007). (Revıew)
D16. Karataş, E., T. Erdem, M.C. Miman, ve O. Özturan, “Contralateral Normal Ear after Mastoid Surgery: Evaluation by Acoustic Reflexes Changes”, Türk Otolarengoloji Arşivi, 47, 58-62 (2009). (ClınıcAl Research)
D17. Karataş, E. ve E. Demirtaş, “Chronic and recurrent tonsillitis”, SENDROM Dergisi, (Accepted). (Revıew)
D18. Mızrak, A., R. Gül, S. Koruk, S. Ganidağlı, E. Karataş, ve Ü. Öner, “Complete upper airway obstruction after adenotonsillectomy”, Türkiye Klinikleri Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Dergisi, 6, 41-44 (2008). (Case Report)
D19. Karataş, E., Y. Kaplan, M. Kanlıkama, S. Mumbuç, ve C. Durucu, “Surgical outcomes in children with chronic otitis media”, Gaziantep Tıp Dergisi, 14, 1-5 (2008). (ClınıcAl Research)
D20. Durucu, C., E. Karataş, Baglam, T., Cevik, C., ve M. Kanlikama, “Vocal cord hemangioma in an adult”, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, (2)1, 91-94 (2011). (Case Report)
D21. Karataş, E., “Persistent Facial Paralysis to Delayed Diagnosis of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome”, Turk Norol. Derg., (17), 122-123 (2012). (case report)
D22. Cevik, C., T. Baglam, E. Sengul, E. Akbay, E. Baysal, E. Karataş, A. Kilic, ve M. Kanlikama, “The Comparison of audilogical evaluation and scores of VAS after in patients with using with trimetasidine HCL”, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, (3)1, 81-86 (2012). (ClınıcAl Research)
D23. Karataş, E., “Psychological evaluation and measuring methods of subjective tinnitus”, Curr. Pract. ORL, 8 (1), 41-48 (2012). (review)
D24. Karataş, E., “Surgical anatomy of waldayer lymphatic tissue”, Türkiye Klinikleri J. Surg. Med. Sci., 19(4), 43-47 (2012). (review)
D25. Bayindir, T., E. Karataş ve Z. Cetinkaya, “Atypical Meniere Disease: Case report of a patient with treated as sudden hearing loss”, Journal of Inonu University Medical Faculty, 19(4), 268-271 (2012). (case report)
D26. Toplu Y., E. Karataş, M.T. Cicek ve Z. Cetinkaya, A Ectopic Tyroid Tissue Adenoma Considering as a Thyroglossal Duct Cyst in the Middline Neck”, J. Turgut Ozal Med. Cent., (20), 89-91 (2013). (case report)
D27. Suner A, Tutar E, Kalender ME, Kazancı Ü, Arslan S.K., Balakan O, Karataş E, Kanlıkama M. “The relationship between prognostic parameters and tumor associated tissue eosinophilia in supraglottic laryngeal tumors.” Dicle Med. J. 40 (1): 45-49, (2013). (ClınıcAl Research)
D28. Toplu Y., Can S., Bayındır T., Karataş E., ve A. Kizilay, “Inadequate excision of scal squamous cell carcinoma causing bilateral giantc neck mass”, J. Turgut Ozal Med. Cent., (20), 279-281 (2013). (case report)
D29. Toplu Y., Ş. Can, T. Bayındır, E. Karataş, ve A. Kızılay, “Bilateral Dev Boyun Kitlesine Neden Olan Saçlı Deri Skuamöz Hücreli Kanserin Yetersiz Eksizyonu”, J. Turgut Ozal Med. Cent., (20), 279-281 (2013). (case report)
D30. Toplu Y., T. Bayındır, S. Gullu, E. Karataş, ve A. Kızılay, “Giant concha bullosa pyocele: An unusual cause of rapidly developing nasal obstruction ”, J. Turgut Ozal Med. Cent., (21), 151-153 (2014). (case report)
D31. Karataş, E., İ. Demir, ve Ş. Can, “Air Conducted Hearing Loss and Ear Infections ”, C. Pract ORL, (10), 27-31 (2014). (revıew)
D32. Karataş, E., Koca CF., Aydin, S., Toplu, Y. ve ve H. Taskapan, “A rare cause of vertigo: Cryoglubulinemia ”, J. Turgut Ozal Med. Cent., (23), 435-438 (2016). (case report)
D33. Karataş, E., “Epidemiology of Vertigo”, Türkiye Klinikleri J. Surg. Med. Sci., (4), – (2016). (revıew)
D34. Karataş, E., “Vertigo”, İcaad ., (2), 7-12 (2018). (Derleme)
D35. Yılmaz Ö., Yakıncı C. ve E. Karataş. “Malatya İl merkezi okul çağı çocuklarda işitme taramaları”, Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi, (61), 59-66, (2018). (ClınıcAl Research)
D36. Karataş, E , Yaprak N., Yüksek A.O. ‘İşitsel Cerrahi Yöntemler: Sounbridge’’, Türkiye Klinikleri Kulak Burun Boğaz Özel Konular, İşitsel Cerrahi Yöntemler ve İşitsel Rehabilitasyon, e.d. Özçağlar, Türkiye Klinikleri J. Surg. Med. Sci., 14 (2), 76-79 (2021). (review)
D37. Karataş, E , Tan M., Agridir B.V. ‘İşitsel Sistemlerde Cerrahi Yöntemler: Koklear İmplantasyon’’, Türkiye Klinikleri Kulak Burun Boğaz Özel Konular, İşitsel Cerrahi Yöntemler ve İşitsel Rehabilitasyon, e.d. Özçağlar, H.Ü., Türkiye Klinikleri J. Surg. Med. Sci., 14 (2), 80-86 (2021). (review)
D38. Gorgel A., BozyigitB.., Karatas E., and A. Avci. “Endoscopic transnasal approach for surgical treatment of sellar area chordoma: ” ENTCase, 3, 1-6 (2021). (Case report)
- PRESEnTAtIons:
E1. Erdem, T., A. Kızılay, S. Öncel, M.C. Miman, T. Kalcıoğlu, ve E. Karataş, “The role of Otoacoustic emissions in normal hearing hiperlipidemic patients. 26th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 1st Joint Meeting of Turkish-Greek Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Societies, 61, Antalya TURKIYE, 2001. (oral presentatıon)
E2. Erdem, T., Y. Çokkeser, A. Kızılay, S. Öncel, M.C. Miman, T. Kalcıoğlu, ve E. Karataş, “The role of Otoacoustic emissions in normal hearing diabetic patients”, 26th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 1st Joint Meeting of Turkish-Greek Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Societies, 187-188, Antalya TURKIYE, 2001. (oral presentatıon)
E3. Kızılay, A., M.T. Kalcıoğlu, E. Karataş, M. Iraz, ve O. Özturan, “Caffeic Acid Phenenthyl Ester prevents ototoxicity induced by cisplatin in rats”, 27th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2nd Joint Meeting of Turkish-Greek Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Societies, 129, Antalya TURKIYE, 2003. (Poster presentatıon)
E4. Karataş, E., T. Erdem, O. Özturan, M.C. Miman, B. Yiğit, ve T. Bayındır, “Evaluation of contrlateral normal ear after mastoid surgery with otoacoustic emissions.” 27th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2nd Joint Meeting of Turkish-Greek Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Societies, 10-11, Antalya TURKIYE, 2003. (Poster presentatıon)
E5. Miman, M.C., E. Karataş, M. Akarçay, ve O. Özturan, “The endoscopic excision of frontal recess osteoma”, 27th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2nd Joint Meeting of Turkish-Greek Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Societies, 169, Antalya TURKIYE, 2003. . (Poster presentatıon)
E6. Kalcıoğlu, M.T., A. Kızılay, E. Karataş, M. Iraz, ve O. Özturan, “Erdostein prevents ototoxicity induced by cisplatin in rats”, 27th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2nd Joint Meeting of Turkish-Greek Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Societies, 175, Antalya TURKIYE, 2003. (Poster presentatıon)
E7. Karataş E., ErdemT., Özturan O.,Miman M.C., Yiğit B., Bayındır T. Acoustic stapedius reflex changes in the contralateral normal ear after mastoid surgery. 27th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2nd Joint Meeting of Turkish-Greek Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery Societies, 175, Antalya TURKIYE, 2003. (Poster presentatıon)
E8. Erdem T., Gürses, İ., Miman M.C., Karataş E., Türker G. Cervical granulomatousus lymphandenitis. 23rd National Congress of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis. Malatya,TURKIYE, 2003. (Poster presentatıon)
E9. Erdem T., Miman M.C., Gürses İ., Karataş E., Türker G. Tuberculosis of larynx. XXIII. National Congress of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis. Malatya,TURKIYE, 2003. (Poster presentatıon)
E10. Erdem T., Karataş E., Gürses İ., Miman M.C., Kızılay A., Türker G. Tuberculosis of parotis. 23rd National Congress of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis. Malatya,TURKIYE, 2003. (Poster presentatıon)
E11. Karataş, E., S. Mumbuç, M. Kanlıkama, ve C. Durucu, “The reconstruction of large nasal deformity with iliac bone greft and forehead greft”, 28th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 163, Antalya TURKIYE, 2005. (Poster presentatıon)
E12. Karataş, E., M. Kanlıkama, S. Mumbuç, ve Y. Kaplan, “Our surgery results in children with chronic otitis media”, 28th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 41, Antalya TURKIYE, 2005. (oral presentatıon)
E13. Durucu, C., M. Kanlıkama, S. Mumbuç, Y. Bayazıt, ve E. Karataş, “The use of extended polytetraflouroetilen in thyroplasty (An experimental study in rats)”, 28th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 12, Antalya TURKIYE, 2005. (oral presentatıon)
E14. Kanlıkama, M., E. Karataş, M. Çelik, S. Mumbuç, ve C. Durucu, “Our surgery results in medialization thyroplasty”, 28th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 119, Antalya TURKIYE, 2005. (Poster presentatıon)
E15. Kanlıkama, M., E. Karataş, S. Gökpınar, S. Mumbuç, ve C. Durucu, “Acoustic neuromas:Our surgery results”, 28th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 119, Antalya TURKIYE, 2005. (Poster presentatıon)
E16. Güzelsoy, S.S., M.A. Kılıç, ve E. Karataş, “The evaluation of serous otitis media in children with pure tone audiogram and otoacoustic emissions”, 28th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 127, Antalya TURKIYE, 2005. (Poster presentatıon)
E17. Çelik, M., S. Mumbuç, M. Kanlıkama, T. Durmaz, E. Karataş ve C. Durucu. “Treatment of endoscopic choanal atresia”, 28th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 127, Antalya TURKIYE, 2005. (Poster presentatıon)
E18. Mumbuç, S., M. Kanlıkama, E. Karataş ve C. Durucu. “Bilateraly Carotid body tumor and vagal schwannoma in a patient”, 28th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 127, Antalya TURKIYE, 2005. (Poster presentatıon)
E19. Durucu, C., T. Bağlam, E. Karataş, M. Kanlıkama, S. Mumbuç, ve C. Çevik, “Synchronous micobacterial infection of cervical lymph nodes and tonsils in a 12 years old male child.”, 29th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 157, Antalya TURKIYE, 2007. (Poster presentatıon)
E20. Mumbuç, S., E. Karataş, A. Kılıç, C. Durucu, T. Bağlam, ve M. Kanlıkama, “Endonasal dacriosystorhinostomy results in pediatric patients”, 29th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 171, Antalya TURKIYE, 2007. (Poster presentatıon)
E21. Bağlam, T., S. Mumbuç, E. Karataş, Y. Kaplan, C. Durucu, ve M. Kanlıkama, “Endoscopic endonasal surgical treatment of CSF rhinorrea”, 29th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 171-172, Antalya TURKIYE, 2007. (Poster presentatıon)
E22. Durucu, C., S. Mumbuç, E. Karataş, T. Bağlam, M. Kanlıkama, ve C. Çevik, “Endonasal endoscopic orbital decompression”, 29th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 172, Antalya TURKIYE, 2007. (Poster presentatıon)
E23. Bağlam, T., S. Mumbuç, E. Karataş, C. Durucu, A. Kılıç, ve M. Kanlıkama, “Endonasal dacriosystorhinostomy results in patients”, 29th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 173, Antalya TURKIYE, 2007. (Poster presentatıon)
E24. Karataş, E., S. Mumbuç, C. Durucu, T. Bağlam, E. Şengül, ve M. Kanlıkama, “Closed technique rhinoplasty results in crooked noses”, 29th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 186, Antalya TURKIYE, 2007. (Poster presentatıon)
E25. Mumbuç, S., E. Karataş, C. Durucu, T. Bağlam, F. Kara, ve M. Kanlıkama, “Our functional and esthetic septorhinoplasty results”, 29th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 186-187, Antalya TURKIYE, 2007. (Poster presentatıon)
E26. Birkent, H., T. Akçam, F. Tosun, E. Karataş, ve Y. Karslıoğlu, “Cervical ganglineuroma: 3 new case report.” 29th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 197, Antalya TURKIYE, 2007. (Poster presentatıon)
E27. Kanlıkama, M., S. Mumbuç, E. Karataş, Y. Kaplan, C. Durucu, ve T. Bağlam, “Endonasal endoscopic surgery in frontoethmoidal osteoms”, 29th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 204-205, Antalya TURKIYE, 2007. (Poster presentatıon)
E28. Kanlıkama, M., C. Durucu, E. Karataş, T. Bağlam, ve S. Mumbuç, “Primary localized laryngeal amyloidosis, case report and review of literatures”, 29th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 96-97, Antalya TURKIYE, 2007. (Poster presentatıon)
E29. Çam, H., E. Karataş, M. Kanlıkama, ve C. Durucu, “The effects of teflon piston prothesis diameters on hearing results in stapes surgery. Evaluation with otoacoustic emissions.”, 29th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 7, Antalya TURKIYE, 2007. (oral presentation)
E30. Budak, T., S. Mumbuç, C. Durucu, E. Karataş, T. Bağlam, M. Kanlıkama, ve M. Çelik, “The results of eosinophils in blood and nasal smears and skin prick tests results in Gaziantep area”, 29th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery , 26, Antalya TURKIYE, 2007. (oral presentatıon)
E31. Gökpınar, S., S. Mumbuç, E. Karataş, C. Durucu, T. Bağlam, ve M. Kanlıkama, “The effects of submucosal resection of deviated noses patients on voice quality”, 29th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, 43, Antalya TURKIYE, 2007. (oral presentatıon)
E32. Karatas, E., C. Durucu, T. Baglam, Y. Bayazit, S. Mumbuc, ve M. Kanlikama, “Outcomes of otologic surgeries with special interest to learning curves of residents in a tertiary referral setting”, 8th International conference on cholesteatoma and ear surgery integrated with Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology 10th International Congress, OP004, Antalya TURKIYE, 2008. (oral presentatıon)
E33. Durucu, C., E. Karataş, R. Yiğiter, M. Yılmaz, T. Bağlam, F. Kara ve M. Kanlıkama, “Electrophysiological Assessment of the Subclinical Changes in Facial Functions after Parotidectomy”, 30th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, SS041, Antalya TURKIYE, 2008. (oral presentatıon)
E34. Karatas, E., C. Cevik, T. Balgam, C. Durucu, M. Kanlıkama ve S. Mumbuç, “Our early term results in new born hearing screening program.” 30th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, SS016, Antalya TURKIYE, 2008. (oral presentatıon)
E35. Çelik, M., E. Karataş, Y. Kaplan, M. Kanlıkama ve S. Mumbuç, “Comprasion of preoperative and postoperative surgical results in prelingual cochlear implant patients” 30th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, SS022, Antalya TURKIYE, 2008. (oral presentatıon)
E36. Karatas, E., A. öZ, T. Bağlam, C. Durucu, M. Kanlıkama ve S. Mumbuç, “Adenoid cyctic carsinoma of lacrymal gland.” 30th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, EP65, Antalya, 2008. (Poster presentatıon)
E37. Karatas, E. “Glomus timpanicum in the middle ear as mimicking promontroium hemangioma” 32 Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, EP017, Antalya TURKIYE, 2010. (Poster presentatıon)
E38. Karatas, E. “Ramsey Hunt Syndrome” 32 Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, BP132, Antalya TURKIYE, 2010. (Poster presentatıon)
E39. Karatas, E., Z. Çetinkaya, “Atypical Meniere Disease” 33 Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, P74, Antalya TURKIYE, 2011. (Poster presentatıon)
E40. Karatas, E., M. T. Çicek ve Z. Çetinkaya, “Ectopic thriois adenoma mimicinkg as a trhroglossal cyct” 33 Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, P254, Antalya TURKIYE, 2011. (Poster presentatıon)
E41. Karatas, E., M. Tan ve Ç. Fırat Koca, “Kondrodermatitis nodularis helicis: A case report and diagnosis methods” 33 Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, P101, Antalya TURKIYE, 2011. (Poster presentatıon)
E42. Karatas, E., Ş. Can, “The role of pschiological paremeters in tinnitus” 33 Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, P71, Antalya TURKIYE, 2011. (Poster presentatıon)
E43. Bayındır T., N. Karadağ, E. Karataş ve Kızılay, “Well differianted neuroendocrine tumor of larynx”, 6th National Congress of Laryngology, Ankara TURKIYE, 2012. (Poster presentatıon)
E44. Cetinkaya Z, Toplu Y, Karatas E, Kızılay A ve Aydın EN. “Acquired tufted angioma in the external ear canal”, 2. Ulusal Otoloji ve Nörootoloji Kongresi: 10-13 Mayıs, 2012, Antalya. (Poster presentatıon)
E45. Şimsek G., Demirtaş E. ve Karataş E., “The evaluation of anxiety and depression in the patients with tinnitus and presbiacusia, a pilot study”, 34th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, P083, Antalya, TURKIYE, 2012. (Poster presentatıon)
E46. Çetinkaya Z, Karataş E, Toplu Y, Bayındır T ve Kızılay A. “The evaluation of hearinfg system in the obstructive sleep apnea patients”, 34th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, P098, Antalya, TURKIYE, 2012. (Poster presentatıon)
E47. Çetinkaya Z, Karataş E, Toplu Y, Bayındır T ve Kızılay A. “The evaluation of vestibular system in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome”, 34th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, P107, Antalya, TURKIYE, 2012. (Poster presentatıon)
E48. Toplu Y., Balbaba M., Kalcıoğlu MT., Karataş E., ve Bayındır T. “The effect of nasal obstruction in the dacriosystorhinostomy patients”, 34th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, P203, Antalya, TURKIYE, 2012. (Poster presentatıon)
E49. Toplu Y., Karataş E., Kızılay A. ve ve Can Ş. “Scalp skuamous cell carcinoma that causes a large neck metastasis”, 34th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery , P304, Antalya, TURKIYE, 2012. (Poster presentatıon)
E50. Toplu Y., Tekin M., Kalcıoğlu MT., Karataş E., ve Bayındır T. “The comparison of medical and surgical treatment results of PFAPA syndrome”, 35th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, P435, Antalya, TURKIYE, 2012. (Poster presentatıon)
E51. Karataş E, Toplu Y, Güllü S, Kurnaz B, Bayındır T ve Kızılay A. “Cochlear implantation in chronic otitis media with cavity”, 35th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, PS1 029, Antalya, 2013. (Poster presentatıon)
E52. Karataş E, Kurnaz B, Toplu Y, Bayındır T, Kızılay A ve Güllü S., “Osteomiyelitis in skull base, three case reports”, 35th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, Antalya,TURKIYE, 2013. (Poster presentatıon)
E53. Toplu Y, Bayındır T, Güllü S, Karataş E ve Kızılay A. “Massive cocncha bullosa”, 35th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, PS3 078, Antalya, TURKIYE, 2013. (Poster presentatıon)
E54. Şimşek G, Çiftçi O, Karadağ N, Karataş E ve Kızılay A. “The epitelisation and neovascularisation effects of fenitoin in damamged nasal mucosa”, 35th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, PS1 058, Antalya, TURKIYE, 2013. (Poster presentatıon)
E55. Koç A, Karataş E, Demir İ, Toplu Y ve Kızılay A. “Skull base osteomyelitis in fulminan otitis media: Four case reports”, 36th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, PS 050, Antalya, TURKIYE, 2014. (oral presentatıon)
E56. Demir İ, Karataş E, Koç A, Toplu Y ve Kızılay A. “Cochlear implantation in chronic otitis media”, 36th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, PS 051, Antalya, TURKIYE, 2014. (oral presentatıon)
E57. Bayındır T, Koç A, Karataş E, Bayındır Y ve Kızılay A. “Temporal bone osteomyelitis in a case for external otitis media”, 36th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, PS 257, Antalya, TURKIYE, 2014. (Poster presentatıon)
E58. Toplu Y, Kelleş M, Özerk A, Karataş E ve Kızılay A. “Surgical results of cases with inverted papilloma which treated in different procedures via endoscopically”, 37th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, SS 3043, Antalya, 2015. (oral presentatıon))
E69. Gunduz E, Gurbuz S and Karataş E. “Brown Tumor in Maxilla. Case Report and Literature review”, 39th Turkish National Congress of Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, PB 45, Antalya, 2017. (poster)
E70. Koç A., Çevik M., Özdemir D., Tanbek A.T., Karataş E. “Evaluation of Newborn with risky hearing screenining programi”, Pediatrik Odyoloji Kongresi, 23 , Ankara, 2018. (oral presnetatıon)
E71. Demir İ., Tanbek A.T., Çevik M., Özdemir D., Karataş E. “Problems in ocohlear implantation in anomalous ear”, Pediatrik Odyoloji Kongresi, 25 , Ankara, 2018. (oral presnetatıon)
E72. Koç A., ., Özdemir D., Çevik M., Tanbek A.T., Karataş E. “The importance of high frequency tympanometer in newborns with high risk hearing screening program”, Pediatrik Odyoloji Kongresi, 34, Ankara, 2018. (oral presnetatıon)
E 76. Fungal Larenjit
E79. Demir I, Karataş E, Demir Çalışkan A. ve Özcan Özel Ö. “Koklear İmplant Uygulanan Hastalarda Yaşam Kalitesi ve Dil Gelişiminin Değerlendirilmesi’’ I 40. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş-Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi, S 164 , Antalya, 2018. (oral presentatıon)
E80. Öztürk Ö. E., ve Karataş E. “Aurikula Kalsifikasyonu: Taşlaşmış Kulak Olgu Sunumu”, 40. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş-Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi, P 016 , Antalya, 2018. (Poster)
E81. Gündüz E, Bayındır T, Özcan M. ve Karataş E. “Skuamöz Hücreli Karsinomun Boyun Metastazında Gelişen Masif Miyazis: Olgu Sunumu”, 40. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş-Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi, PB 45 , Antalya, 2018. (Poster)
E82. Kalcioglu T., Tuysuz O., Yalcin M.Z., M. ve Karataş E. “Tip1 Timpanoplasti Hastalarında Kartilaj ve Fasya Uygulmasının Uzun Dönem Sonuçları”, 40. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş-Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi, S021 45 , Antalya, 2018. (oral presentatıon)